4 Desember 2024

Kendari — The Family Association of Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution’s Kendari Branch held a brotherly meeting with Hajj Sharif Abadi and Hajj Rahmatullah Furqan at Zahra Hotel, Kendari (3/27/2019) after Isha prayer where values of Gontor and latest information relating to Gontor were discussed. The Vice President of Darussalam Gontor for Boys’ Seventh Campus Mr. Arifuddin and the Vice President of Darussalam Gontor for Girls’ Fourth Campus Mr. Nur Wahyuddin, some senior teachers and members of the Association took part in this meeting.

Some of the important points conveyed by Hajj Sharif and Hajj Rahmatullah were the Gontor graduates must become “professors” in various fields of their specializations. The new graduates should be better than their teachers at Gontor because they are taught by doctors. Unlike the old days where not many teachers achieved high academic degrees, and only few of them had the bachelor’s degree.

The graduates who attended the meeting were very enthusiastic because such moment is rare. As if they had returned to the old days of their studies in the sixth grade where they listened to Hajj Sharif and Hajj Rahmatullah who taught them in the classroom. It is well known that both senior teachers taught only students of class six. This is why the meeting was a very valuable moment for graduates of Gontor in Kendari.

Rep.: Ramadan Koso
Ed.: Mujib Abdurrahman

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