1 Oktober 2024

Lampung – The Family Association of Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution Branch Lampung held a meeting at the headquarters of the Vice Chairman of Darussalam Gontor Campus Ninth, on Sunday (24/3/2019). The Chairman of the Family Association Branch Lampung Hajj Suhaili and Vice Chairman of Darussalam Gontor Campus Ninth, Hajj Hariyanto Abdul Jalal, Hajj Wasril, Hajj Olfi Anwari, Sheikh Ikramin and other managers of the association attended the meeting.

Deliberations led by Hajj Suhaili agreed that Mr. Hakim would be the coordinator of the South Lampung region. This appointment aims to ease the movement and programs of the Family Association of Gontor Branch Lampung in general and the South Lampung region in particular. Furtherly, the coordination line between the association and the South Lampung region will be conducted through the appointed regional coordinator.

Source: warta9
Ed.: Eko Nur Cahyo

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